The Coach Don Landry Endowed Scholarship
Elodie Brown Chabert Scholarship
Dr. Obie Cleveland Hill Family Endowed Scholarship
Dr. Eugene Dial Scholarship Fund
Mary Catharine Gardiner Endowed Scholarship
Dr. Ainsley Pratt Memorial Scholarship
The Glenda S. Tauzin Endowed Memorial Nursing Scholarship
The Hali Coss, Lily Dufrene and Michaila Bowling Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Christopher Anthony Benoit, Jr Endowed Scholarship
The Dr. James “Jim” Joseph Rumore, Sr. Endowed Scholarship
The Kennedi Foret Marine Biology Undergraduate Memorial Scholarship
The Milton P. Donegan Memorial Endowed Scholarship
The Pi Kappa Alpha Memorial Endowed Scholarship
The Thibodaux High Class of 1969 Endowed Scholarship